Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bento #4

I made a light bento for Alyssa today. It consists of cheese sandwiches cut in half to fit the Lock and Lock lunch box. Flower chicken sausage and boiled quail eggs were added on the other box, and for the fruits 1 small kiat-kiat and kiwi slices. I guess she got tired of having rice for her school lunch so she requested for sammies instead.  My bento experiment, i think is lacking some kawaii factor, but who knows with constant practice I'll be able to get the hang of it and present cute bento lunches like the one Kao of Kichen Cow is doing.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bento #3

This is a lunch bento i made for Alyssa last saturday consist of fried chicken wings, yellow corn, flower hotdogs and steam white rice. I was actually in a rush when i was preparing this coz she was so eager to eat it. The bento lunch box is new from Japan Home Center. I was in  search for the right size bento box for my kid  so i was glad when I spotted this in their Robinson's Metro East branch.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Bento #2

So okay, I don't know if I can consider this bento coz I just throw in steam white rice topped with furikake, fish fillet wrap in lettuce , apple rabbit (not too obvious on the photo, but tutorial can be found here) and grapes skewered by decorative picks in my pink bento box. I'm still new at this  but I hope that with more practice and reading I will get the hang of it and create cute and interesting bento. Thanks to all bento bloggers out there who is such an inspiration and great help.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My First Bento

My enthusiasm with bento started when I stumble upon this great way of packing lunch box  when I was searching the web for healthy lunch box ideas for my grade schooler. My eldest kid Alyssa is a picky eater. She also doesn't like to eat breakfast, she only drinks a glass of milk in the morning. Because of this I really need to pack a heavy meal for her lunch box. That's when I decided to start bentoing . So what is bento any way? You can find its definiton from wikipedia on this link. Here's my first attempt in Bentoing. The left stash contains meatball stuff with quail eggs  and buttered mixed veggies on a bed of lettuce leaves. The right stash has heart shaped  steamed white rice (I used my onigiri rice shaper)